Blogger Widgets Th!$ !$ My L!fe Journey: December 2011


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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tragedy in SPM

Assalamualaikum....hai blogger!!!!I want to tell the story about what happen to me while in SPM examination...In 17/11/2011 while SPM examination started that is mathematic subject,all students ready to take the exam..the prefect of SPM examination directed to all the candidate to entered to the examination hall...I`m ready to take out all the stationary necessery and slip.Suddenly,i aware that i forgot to bring my slip exam..In that time i fell so scare and panic.i decided to run to the office to take the copying slip..At office,i meet Tuan HJ Taat and tell him that i want to copying slip...And then he gived to me the slip that i want but with condition,i must to pay sad!!!huhuhu....And then i run back to examination hall with fastered and rush like 100 meter runner,,hehehehe....luckly cause exam is not started already...fiuhhhhh...Finally,i entered the examination hall and take a sit...And then exam were started..i answer with relax and luckly i can focus in exam...alhamdulillah..Ok that all i want give the story...i hope you all enjoy to read that and we all together take the instruction that don`t careless anymore...Assalamualaikum.....bye...

Monday, December 19, 2011

Sebab Islam Mengharamkan Makan Daging Khinzir

Video tersebut adalah satu uji kaji yang dijalankan terhadap daging khinzir.
            Itulah sebabnya islam mengharamkan kita makan daging khinzir kerana ia boleh memudaratkan kesihatan kita...

 Dalil yang digunakan dalam kefahaman ini ialah firman Allah S.W.T.:

“Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): “Aku tidak dapati dalam apa yang telah diwahyukan kepadaku, sesuatu yang diharamkan bagi orang yang hendak memakannya melainkan kalau benda itu bangkai, atau darah yang mengalir, atau daging babi; kerana sesungguhnya ia adalah najis.” (al-An’am, 6:145)

Dengan ini jelaslah bahawa ada hikmahnya islam mengharamkan umat memakan daging khinzir...Renung-renungkanlah!!!!!